Welcome to Otaku Times Otaku Times オタクの世界.

Kon’nichiwa こんにちは Hello and Sumimasen すみません (Bows deeply) excuse me for the inconvenience.

12472722_10100215824494733_6832435596868570667_nI am Charles O. Lucas the CEO & founder of For Otaku Times US.

We are pushing for the quality of articles and video interviews. We have gotten a lot of feedback and we are aware the community wants video articles more the written articles. So, we are work video recordings of articles, interviews, and reviews.

We are looking to be “The Best of the Best” and to be New York Times of the world of the Otaku.

I will not allow no less than the highest quality of our articles, interviews, or Articles; it is a matter of honor for us here at For Gamers From Gamers and Otaku Times. So, we are looking look for articles; right we only have three writers preparing pieces; we need more writers and/or submissions.

If you interested in writing for Otaku Times US and want to submit an artwork for artist Alley. please, contact us at submissions@otakutimes.us

Question about Otaku Times can be submitted to info@otakutimes.us.

Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita どうもありがとうございました Thank you very much andSumimasen すみません .

Charles Lucas チャールズ ルーカス
Fellow Otaku おたく/オタク
Founder of Otaku Times オタクの世界

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